Trump Confirms Meeting Being Set Up With Putin As Kremlin Expresses Readiness

原始链接: https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/trump-confirms-meeting-being-set-putin-kremlin-expresses-readiness

当选总统唐纳德·特朗普已确认与俄罗斯总统弗拉基米尔·普京会面。克里姆林宫尚未证实,但仍对讨论持开放态度。 普京表达了会面的愿望,特朗普也表示,他对俄罗斯反对北约扩张表示同情。 据报道,美方可能向乌克兰提出20年等待期才能加入北约,但莫斯科方面拒绝了这一提议。 尽管乌克兰极力抵抗,克里姆林宫仍认为自己能够控制局势。俄罗斯军队在顿涅茨克地区取得进展,本周占领了另一个重要工业城镇。


US President-elect Donald Trump has confirmed that a meeting is being set up between him and Russian President Vladimir Putin, according to Politico on Friday.

While giving no specific timeline details, Trump said of Putin from his Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida, "He wants to meet and we are setting it up."

Via Reuters

The day prior Trump had also said "President Putin wants to meet." The Kremlin has yet to confirm the talks, but has repeatedly said Putin remains open to the possibility.

"He has said that even publicly and we have to get that war over with. That's a bloody mess," Trump had said in the Thursday part of the remarks.

Moscow's newest Friday statement reaffirmed openness to such a meeting, "but that any concrete steps to set up such talks could be made only once Mr. Trump is sworn into office on Jan. 20," The New York Times notes.

"We need a mutual desire and political willingness to engage in a dialogue," Putin spokesman Dmitri Peskov told reporters. "We see that Mr. Trump also declares his readiness to solve issues via dialogue. We welcome that."

Peskov added that Russia's understanding is that there is a "mutual readiness for a meeting" but that "it looks like things will start to move after Trump enters the Oval Office."

The Kremlin stopped short of specifying how soon such a meeting might take place or whether a final go-ahead has been given.

This also comes after earlier in the week Trump said he was sympathetic to Moscow's critiques of NATO expansion:

Speaking at a news conference on Tuesday, Mr. Trump said that he was sympathetic with the Russian position that Ukraine should never join NATO, one of the main conditions put forward by the Kremlin to end the war.

Prior reporting on the 'Trump peace plan' suggests that the US side will offer Ukraine a twenty-year waiting period before it can hope to join NATO; however, Moscow has rejected even this possibility as a non-starter.

Without doubt, Moscow sees itself in the driver's seat - even as Ukraine tries to inflict as much damage as possible through drone and missile strikes on Russian territory. Russian forces have made weeks of rapid gains in the Donetsk, including having captured another key industrial town just this past week.

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