Putin Says Trump Will Help Prevent WW3 In Inauguration Day Congratulations Message

原始链接: https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/putin-says-trump-will-help-prevent-ww3-congratulations-issued-inauguration-day

俄罗斯总统弗拉基米尔·普京祝贺唐纳德·特朗普就职,并表示希望改善两国关系。普京强调了特朗普关于防止第三次世界大战和恢复直接接触的声明,莫斯科对此表示欢迎。 尽管人们对特朗普对乌克兰援助的怀疑表示担忧,但他表示希望结束正在进行的战争。据报道,特朗普与普京的会面准备工作正在进行中。据报道,“特朗普和平计划”包括乌克兰加入北约的20年等待期,尽管莫斯科甚至拒绝承认这一点,因为这是不可接受的。 与此同时,俄罗斯军队在顿涅茨克取得了重大进展,占领了波克罗夫斯克附近的几个城镇和村庄。波克罗夫斯克的陷落将使俄罗斯牢牢控制顿涅茨克,因为该城市对于乌克兰在该地区的军事行动至关重要。


Russia has congratulated Donald Trump as he takes office as US president on Monday, with President Putin making statements expressing hope for speedy resumption of official contacts between the two countries.

The Russian leader made the remarks in a meeting of the country’s National Security Council, crucially suggesting Trump's return to the White House will help prevent world war three.

"We’re hearing the statements of the newly elected US president and members of his team about the desire to restore direct contacts with Russia, which were halted by the outgoing administration," Putin began.

Source: Kremlin.ru

That's when he stressed, "We also hear his statement about the need to do everything to prevent world war three." A separate translation of the televised national security speech reads as follows:

"We hear [Trump’s] statements on the need to prevent World War III. We undoubtedly welcome such a disposition and congratulate the elected U.S. president." 

"Of course, we welcome such an attitude and congratulate the elected US president on taking office," he continued, explaining that Moscow has never "refused dialogue" with the United States. He said any fresh dialogue must be done on an "equal and mutually respectful basis."

According to more of Putin's congratulatory remarks via The Wall Street Journal:

Putin, in comments to the Russian security council on Monday, said Russia sought a "long-term peace based on respect for the legitimate interests of all people, all peoples who live in the region." He added that his country would "Fight for the interests of Russia and the Russian people, which is the objective of the special military operation." Trump, who has been skeptical of aid to Ukraine, has said that he wants to see an end to the war, which is about to enter its fourth year, and has called for a cease-fire administered by European forces.

A week ago Trump said of Putin, "I know he wants to meet, and I'm going to meet very quickly." Trump had described, "I would have done it sooner, but… you have to get into the office." 

These words came soon on the heels of incoming national security adviser, Rep. Mike Waltz teling ABC News that "the preparations are underway" for a meeting between Trump and the Russian leader.

"I do expect a call … at least in the coming days and weeks," Waltz said. "So, that would be a step, and we’ll take it from there."

Prior reporting on the 'Trump peace plan' suggests that the US side will offer Ukraine a twenty-year waiting period before it can hope to join NATO; however, Moscow has rejected even this possibility as a non-starter.

Without doubt, Moscow sees itself in the driver's seat - even as Ukraine tries to inflict as much damage as possible through drone and missile strikes on Russian territory. Russian forces have made weeks of rapid gains in the Donetsk, including having captured several villages and towns just on the outskirts of Pokrovsk.

There's widespread understanding that as soon as Pokrovsk falls, the whole of Donetsk will firmly be in Russian military control, given the city is central to the Ukrainian army's logistical operations in the area.

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