国营电视台主持人表示,波兰应在竞选期间禁止马斯克的 X
Musk's X Should Be Banned In Poland During Election Campaign, State-Run TV Host Says

原始链接: https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/musks-x-should-be-banned-poland-during-election-campaign-state-run-tv-host-says

在波兰国营 TVP Info 上,记者 Dorota Wysocka-Schnepf 提议在总统竞选期间关闭 Twitter,以防止发布虚假信息。她对西方内容表示担忧,并提到有组织犯罪集团传播虚假信息。专家 Katarzyna Bąkowicz 博士和 Anna Siewierska-Chmaj 教授承认了这个问题,但警告说它可能会打开潘多拉魔盒。 Siewierska-Chmaj 强调了埃隆·马斯克对欧洲政治的迷恋以及德国选择党的成功对波兰选举的潜在影响。维索卡-施内普夫随后建议考虑在竞选期间暂时关闭 Twitter,这促使巴科维奇博士回应称,这样的措施将是激进的,需要监管。


Via Remix News,

In the TVP Info program, journalist Dorota Wysocka-Schnepf, who hosts major television shows on the state-run network, suggested that the authorities should completely shutdown the X portal during the presidential election campaign, which would amount to a form of mass censorship not seen in Poland since communist times.

“We live in a situation where disinformation can come to us not only from the East, but the West can also poison us with content that will have nothing to do with the truth,” said Dorota Wysocka-Schnepf.

The shocking suggestion was made on the “Dangerous Liaisons” program, which is broadcast by state-run TVP Info. Dorota Wysocka-Schnepf’s guests were Prof. Anna Siewierska-Chmaj from the University of Rzeszów and Dr. Katarzyna Bąkowicz from SWPS, according to Polish outlet Do Rzeczy.

In response, Dr. Katarzyna Bąkowicz said:

We know that there are organized criminal groups that spread disinformation. It’s not just Russia or China. We have to remember that disinformation has become an element of political struggle. What Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg, who joined in, are doing is opening Pandora’s box.

Prof. Anna Siewierska-Chmaj responded with what appeared to be supportive statements, saying that Elon Musk does not hide the fact that he is fascinated by European politics and wants to change it, with Musk’s comments about Great Britain the latest example.

“What shocks me the most is Germany and its support for the post-fascist AfD, and we should be afraid of that,” said Wysocka-Schnepf.

“Of course, the AfD’s victory fuels the Polish right, so it is de facto influencing the Polish elections,” replied Prof. Siewierska-Chmaj.

Then, the journalist’s shocking words about the need to consider closing Musk’s portal for the duration of the election campaign were uttered.

“We are in such a situation, more and more countries are announcing the closure of TikTok for fear of Chinese propaganda, so should we seriously consider that maybe X should be closed for the duration of the election campaign,” said Dorota Wysocka-Schnepf.

“This would be a very radical solution…but we need to think about regulating this area,” replied Dr. Bąkowicz.

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