"Close The Borders Completely" – AfD's Weidel Calls For 'Remigration' At Party Conference

原始链接: https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/close-borders-completely-afds-weidel-calls-remigration-party-conference

德国选择党联合领导人爱丽丝·韦德尔在该党会议上主张大规模驱逐出境。她强调,这项被称为“移民”的措施将涉及非德国公民返回其原籍国。德国选择党还旨在实施更严格的移民政策,包括对非法移民关闭边境。 韦德尔的讲话概述了该党的百日行动计划,其中包括将寻求庇护者过渡到非现金福利、削减非居民的社会福利以及增加驱逐出境。该党目前的民意调查率为22%,为一年来的最高水平。 这次会议遭到了 Antifa 和数千名示威者的抗议。德国选择党还宣布了减税、减少环境法规以及恢复核能和煤炭发电的计划。


Via Remix News,

The co-leader of Germany’s Alternative for Germany (AfD) party, Alice Weidel, called for mass deportations during a speech at her party’s conference in Riesa over the weekend, saying that if this is to be called ‘remigration,’ then let it be called ‘remigration.'”

Weidel made the statement in the broader context of the AfD’s immigration policies, which she outlined in her speech, detailing what the AfD would deliver in its first 100 days of power if she is elected chancellor.

“(We will) switch from cash to benefits in kind for asylum seekers, cancel social benefits for non-residents, and carry out deportations on a grand scale. I have to tell you quite honestly that if this must be called ‘remigration,’ then let it be called ‘remigration.’”

During her speech, she also stated that the AfD will “close the borders completely and turn back every illegal and undocumented migrant. And a very clear message to the whole world: Germany’s borders are closed, dear friends. They are secure.”

International newspapers such as the Telegraph claim that the term remigration refers to the “return of migrants to their place of origin — regardless of their citizenship status.” However, this is misinformation, as the AfD has been very clear that it will not deport Germans citizens, nor is it permitted to legally do so.

AfD is currently polling at 22 percent, which is the highest level in a year. The party conference in the east of Germany saw Antifa conduct numerous protest actions along with thousands of other protesters.

The AfD also used the conference to put forth a number of its plans for the first 100 days. Among the campaign promises would be a push to lower taxes, reduce green regulations and go back to nuclear and coal power.

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