哪些国家认为乌克兰战争将于 2025 年结束?
Which Countries Think The War In Ukraine Will End In 2025?

原始链接: https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/which-countries-think-war-ukraine-will-end-2025

截至2025年2月,乌克兰冲突仍在继续。益普索的一项调查显示,人们普遍对今年结束的战争持怀疑态度。中国和印度尼西亚最为乐观,分别有 59% 和 56% 的人预计问题将得到解决,而比利时和荷兰最为悲观。在美国,52% 的人认为战争将持续到 2025 年之后。这种悲观情绪与当选总统唐纳德·特朗普限制美国卷入外国冲突的承诺一致。尽管流血和破坏仍在继续,这场悲惨冲突的解决方案仍然难以实现,而且看不到明确的结局。


February 2025 marks three years since Russia launched a full-scale invasion of Ukraine, escalating the largest conflict in Europe since World War II.

At least 10,000 civilians, including more than 560 children, have been killed, and over 18,500 have been injured since the invasion began.

This graphic, via Visual Capitalist's Bruno Venditti, presents the results of a survey conducted by Ipsos, which asked people in different countries whether they believe the conflict in Ukraine will end in 2025.

Methodology: Ipsos surveyed 33 countries between Friday, October 25, and Friday, November 8, 2024. The survey included 23,721 adults aged 18 and older.

The majority of respondents and countries chose “Unlikely”, meaning that they do not believe the war will end in 2025.

Country Likely (%) Unsure (%) Unlikely (%)
�� China 59 12 29
�� Indonesia 56 12 32
�� India 51 14 35
�� Malaysia 48 20 32
�� Philippines 47 15 38
�� Thailand 36 17 47
�� Türkiye 34 11 55
�� South Africa 30 24 46
�� South Korea 29 19 52
�� Mexico 29 19 52
�� Ireland 27 15 58
�� Peru 26 28 46
�� Brazil 26 24 50
�� Poland 26 17 57
�� Chile 26 25 49
�� United States 26 22 52
�� Singapore 25 20 55
�� Romania 24 17 59
�� Italy 23 22 55
�� Spain 23 21 56
�� Hungary 23 25 52
�� Sweden 22 13 65
�� Switzerland 22 14 64
�� Colombia 21 28 51
�� Canada 19 22 59
�� Argentina 19 35 46
�� Germany 17 14 69
�� Australia 17 18 65
�� Great Britain 15 17 68
�� France 15 18 67

People in Belgium and the Netherlands are the most pessimistic about the war’s resolution.

Meanwhile, China and Indonesia have the highest share of respondents who believe the war will end this year.

In the United States, 52% said it is unlikely the war will end this year, while 26% believe in a resolution, and 22% remain unsure. President-elect Donald Trump has stated during his campaign that he would take the necessary steps to restore peace and limit the cost of U.S. involvement in foreign wars.

If you enjoyed this topic, check out this graphic that visualizes the top 10 donors to Ukraine between Jan 24, 2022, and July 31, 2023.

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