雷·达利奥(Ray Dalio)警告美国和中国之间发生残酷的人工智能战争:“没有国家可以失去”
Ray Dalio Warns Of Brutal AI War Between U.S. And China: 'No Country Can Lose'

原始链接: https://www.zerohedge.com/political/ray-dalio-warns-brutal-ai-war-between-us-and-china-no-country-can-lose

雷·达利奥(Ray Dalio)强调了人工智能至高无上的关键重要性,强调它超越了利润。如果美国和中国在这项技术竞赛中落后于美国和中国都会面临重大风险。达利奥认为,应优先考虑提高生产率的投资,特别是在AI应用程序中。他强调了中国生产廉价筹码和制造商品的力量,这可能对美国公司构成挑战。但是,达利奥(Dalio)也认识到技术战争中创新和破坏的潜力。他建议投资于受益于AI采用或开发有影响力的应用程序的公司。最终,达利奥(Dalio)认为,AI战争是战略当务之急,必须关注长期成功而不是短期的财务收益。


Billionaire investor and Bridgewater hedge fund founder Ray Dalio warned in an interview with All-In podcast co-host David Friedberg that neither the United States nor China can afford to lose the race for AI supremacy, stressing that this technological "war" is far more critical than "profits." 

DAVID FRIEDBERG: I'm a productive asset guy. I like owning businesses that make stuff. In this environment, where do I own a productive asset—a business that can still see its revenue and its income grow as this inflationary effect and this devaluation occurs as we get through a debt crisis like this? What would be the best kind of productive asset? Is it a mining business? Is it a commodity trading business?

RAY DALIO: I’m with you. So, you know, that chart that we showed in the beginning has this line where productivity is going up. And it tends to compound on itself. And I think that’s where AI, and that is fantastic, but it depends where you’re referring to AI. I think the super scalers in this world have risk issues. You know, you think about the super scalers like Nvidia or others. I think that the tech war, certainly productivity, I’m with you man, but you want to invest in productivity. But there’s great disruption that’s going to take place, and there are going to be the disruptors and the disrupted. It’s not necessarily those who are producing the vehicles, but those who are implementing and changing as a result of having their big impact.

I think that the tech war, the AI war is more important. It is actually more important. It’s a war that no country can lose because it’s more important than profits. If you lose, if China or the U.S. really lose this war, it’s more important than profits. You have to play that war that way. It could be something like electric vehicles, or more in terms of Chinese electric vehicles, where they can produce them. But I think there are such high expectations. I think we are going to see applications. I think the Chinese are a bit behind in the chips, but they’re ahead in the applications.

DAVID FRIEDBERG: Did you see the DeepSeek announcement this weekend?

RAY DALIO: Yes, and that was known for a little while now. The Chinese play is going to be chips—very inexpensive chips embedded into manufactured goods. You’ll see robotics. The Chinese are unbelievably [good] at making things inexpensively. They own 33% of all world-manufactured goods, which is more than the combined US, German, and Japanese manufactured goods. The Chinese produce more.

You’re going to see that type of competition, and it may be like solar panels or something. Profit doesn’t matter. I think that where there’s productivity and innovation and disruptors to be. Essentially, being long those who are benefiting themselves through usage or creating the applications that are having the big effect is certainly one thing.

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