MSFT敦促我们在忧郁的TD Cowen报告后几天减轻盟友的AI芯片出口路缘
MSFT Urges US To Ease AI Chip Export Curbs On Allies, Days After Gloomy TD Cowen Report


微软公开敦促特朗普政府放松针对印度,瑞士和以色列等盟国的数据中心的AI培训筹码的拟议出口控制。微软在周四定于周四的博客文章中辩称,过于严格的法规可能会无意中推动这些盟友依靠中国技术,从而破坏了美国的商业和外交政策目标。总统布拉德·史密斯(Brad Smith)强调,将我们的芯片访问风险限制在盟友中,中国是一个更可靠的技术提供商。 该请求强调了特朗普政府面临的复杂平衡法:促进美国的商业利益,同时保持强大的“美国第一”方法,并出于国家安全原因限制了中国对先进的AI技术的访问。人们对制裁的潜在规避持续存在,过去的报告表明,印度的壳牌公司已通过制药公司将西部AI筹码重新列为俄罗斯。在有关微软数据中心绩效的报道中,这种开发发生了,该公司拒绝了最近的一份TD Cowen报告,该报告指出了美国的数据中心取消。这种情况强调了微软在AI上投资的挑战所面临的挑战。


Microsoft is set to publish a blog post on its website Thursday, urging the Trump administration to "loosen and simplify" a new system for exporting AI training chips to allied countries for data center applications. The company emphasizes the need to strike a delicate balance—limiting access to China while ensuring allied nations do not turn to Chinese tech.

Wall Street Journal reported: 

In a blog post that is scheduled to be released Thursday, Microsoft will call for Trump's team to ease the limits on chips that can be used in data centers for training AI models so they no longer apply to a group of US allies including India, Switzerland and Israel, company officials said. Those countries are in the second tier of a three-tier system that underpins the export controls.

Microsoft says the unintended consequence of that proposed system would be that allies facing limited US chip supply would turn to China to get the tech infrastructure they need.

Microsoft President Brad Smith told the media outlet via an interview: "Their message is these countries can't rely on the US, but China is willing to provide what they need. That is not good for American business or American foreign policy."

The Biden-Harris administration proposed a series of chip-control rules to limit China's ability to procure advanced AI chips in its first term. The Trump team is reviewing those proposals and will soon provide color on the path forward for US Big Tech.

Microsoft's blog post demonstrates the Trump administration's delicate balance of being not just 'pro-business' but also 'America First' while maintaining strict curbs on China to safeguard national security. 

WSJ noted, "In the previous administration, national security officials became frustrated that those sympathetic to businesses selling abroad often delayed or watered down their actions." 

One primary national security concern we previously reported is that at least one shell company in India was purchasing Western AI chips and routing them through an Indian pharmaceutical company, which then sold the chips to Russia.

Using public trade data compiled by counterparty and supply chain risk intelligence firm Sayari, we were able to show how the Russians were able to circumnavigate Western sanctions by playing the Indian shell game.

This report comes days after the TD Cowen report on MSFT showed data center cancellations in the US.

Cowen's report was denied by MSFT. Trouble in paradise for MSFT that "bet the farm" on AI?

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