Border Wall Construction Resumes As DHS Starts Filling Gaps

原始链接: https://www.zerohedge.com/political/border-wall-construction-resumes-dhs-starts-filling-gaps

国土安全部正在解决拜登政府留下的边界墙壁上的空白,并采取了措施,包括安装墙板和部署更多的边境警卫。特朗普政府计划将多达10,000名士兵动员到美国 - 墨西哥边境,以增强安全性。政府还将向国会寻求额外的边界墙资金。尽管公众支持边境安全,拜登政府还是停止了墙壁建设并出售了材料。


The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has begun filling gaps left in the nation's border wall left by the Biden administration.

In a Sunday post to X, Border Patrol chief Michael Banks noted that "Efforts like installing wall panels to fill critical gaps in Deming, New Mexico, exemplify our commitment to enhancing infrastructure and operational effectiveness."

Filling existing gaps with concrete-and-steel wall sections is the first of several measures by the Trump administration to beef up border security - including the deployment of more border guards, as well as a scramble to place military units from across the country at the southern border.

On Wednesday, the new administration initiated plans for the Pentagon to mobilize 1,500 active-duty troops to the US-Mexico border, who will join 2,500 National Guard and Reserve forces already in place.

New reports show Trump could soon order the Pentagon to mobilize upwards of 10,000 troops to "seal the borders" and thwart "unlawful mass migration."

The number of 10,000 troops comes from a US Customs and Border Protection briefing document obtained by The Washington Post

The Trump administration plans to push Congress for extra border wall funding via a fast-track "reconciliation" spending bill, as public support for border security has hit record levels.

Border security was virtually abandoned by the Biden administration, which stopped construction of Trump's border wall in January 2021 - and more recently, began fire sales of border wall materials before the Trump administration regained power.

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