"Vandalism Is Not Free Speech!" Elon Musk Speaks Out After Rise In Tesla Protests, Defacements

原始链接: https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/vandalism-not-free-speech-elon-musk-speaks-out-after-rise-tesla-protests-defacements

由于埃隆·马斯克日益增长的政治参与,特斯拉车主们正遭受强烈反弹,包括针对他们车辆的破坏行为。报道显示,车主们试图通过改变汽车外观来与马斯克和特斯拉撇清关系,例如贴上贴纸、其他品牌的标志,以及“反埃隆特斯拉俱乐部”之类的标语。社交媒体上展示了改装成其他汽车品牌外观的特斯拉汽车。这一趋势与据报道的反马斯克贴纸销量增加相吻合。 此外,特斯拉的房产也面临着破坏和抗议活动。科罗拉多州一名女子因反复破坏和企图纵火焚烧特斯拉经销店而被捕,据称她投掷了燃烧瓶,并在墙上喷涂了“纳粹汽车”字样。在其他地方也发生了类似的事件,涉及“纳粹”涂鸦和纳粹标志。马斯克在X平台上回应了这些事件,谴责破坏行为,认为这不受言论自由保护。


The vandalism of Tesla vehicles as a backlash to Elon Musk's foray into politics has gotten so bad that vehicle owners are being forced to alter the appearance of their cars to try and distance themselves from Musk and the Tesla name.

The Daily News wrote that some owners are using stickers and logos from other brands or displaying messages like “Anti-Elon Tesla Club” to distance themselves from Musk.

Social media posts show altered Teslas resembling Audis, Mazdas, or Hondas, while an EV website reports a surge in sales of Musk-related decals. 

Additionally, there have been a number of reports of vandalism of Tesla property and protests outside of Tesla stores worldwide. 

For example, a woman suspected of attempted arson and repeated vandalism at a Northern Colorado Tesla dealership was arrested last Monday—the fourth such incident in recent weeks. Lucy Grace Nelson was taken into custody after allegedly returning with more incendiary devices and vandalism materials.

Prior incidents occurred on Jan. 29, Feb. 2, and Feb. 7, though details on the materials remain unknown, according to NBC

Molotov cocktails were allegedly thrown at vehicles, and “Nazi cars” was spray-painted on a Tesla dealership. Similar vandalism has occurred elsewhere, including a Cybertruck in California and a Tesla charger in Utah, both defaced with “Nazi” graffiti and swastikas, Yahoo! News added.

After a suspect in Brookline was found to be "tagging Tesla vehicles with Elon Musk decals" this week, Musk responded on X, stating: "Damaging the property of others, aka vandalism, is not free speech!"


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