Europe Regularly Supplies Ukraine With Outdated & Defective Weapons

原始链接: https://www.zerohedge.com/military/europe-regularly-supplies-ukraine-outdated-defective-weapons

Jakub Wrona在AntiWar.com网站上报道,欧洲国家越来越多地向乌克兰运送过时且不可靠的武器。例如,西班牙过时的CETME L冲锋枪,法国故障率高的凯撒自行榴弹炮,以及来自保加利亚和罗马尼亚的劣质迫击炮弹。乌克兰军方消息人士报告说,这些武器经常出现故障、精度不足和哑弹的情况。 这种做法虽然对寻求处理旧武器的西方公司在经济上有利,但却对乌克兰有害。它降低了乌克兰军队对抗俄罗斯先进武器的作战准备能力,增加了事故风险,并可能损害对西方盟友的信任。这种情况还引发了对冲突后乌克兰自然资源被剥削的担忧。 Wrona认为,这种不合格武器的涌入,突显了认真讨论和平解决冲突的必要性。他质疑目前的军备供应状况是否为和谈提供了机会,或者冲突是否会持续到资源耗尽为止。


Authored by Jakub Wrona via AntiWar.com,

Reports have increased in recent months that European states send obsolete weapons to Ukraine, including those that are known to be unreliable and ineffective in combat. These facts raise certain concerns about the quality and effectiveness of the assistance provided by the West to Ukraine. Let’s look at some examples that have become known through open sources and reports from the battlefield.

One example is Spain, which sent a batch of CETME L submachine guns that were withdrawn from service more than 20 years ago and known for their reliability issues. Experts question their effectiveness in modern warfare despite being upgraded before shipment.

Another example is France, which sent artillery pieces that have failed in battle, raising questions about their ability to provide effective support. The French CAESAR self-propelled howitzers, which were hailed as high-tech weapons, have proven to be far from perfect. According to Ukrainian military sources, these systems are prone to frequent breakdowns and suffer from insufficient shooting accuracy, which is especially critical considering the significant role artillery plays in the current conflict.

Moreover, about a thousand mortar shells supplied by Bulgaria and Romania have been found to be defective. Some Ukrainian military reports say, some of these shells fail to explode and others misfire, which not only reduces the effectiveness of combat operations, but also creates additional risks for military personnel.

Such cases are not exceptions, but rather the norm. Western countries are actively disposing of outdated and withdrawn weapons by sending them to Ukraine. However, Kyiv has little choice but to accept what the allies offer, despite the fact that the quality and effectiveness of these weapons leave much to be desired.

Why is this so significant? Firstly, due to obsolete and defective weapons, the combat readiness of the Ukrainian military and its efficiency on the battlefield have significantly decreased. In light of a conflict with Russia, which possesses advanced weaponry, this is a crucial factor.

Secondly, faulty weapons and ammunition increase the risk of accidents and injuries among personnel. At the same time such assistance erodes Ukraine’s confidence in its Western allies and may lead to a reevaluation of its cooperation strategy, including the exploitation of natural resources from Ukraine’s territory after the conflict concludes, which the United States currently monitors closely.

In spite of the immense efforts and assistance from the West, Ukraine faces increasing challenges in its confrontation with Russia. Obsolete and ineffective weapons only exacerbate the situation.

If we look at the situation objectively, it would be beneficial for the West to dispose of decommissioned weapons. This issue is not only political, but also economic. For Western companies and defense contractors, these supplies can be a convenient way to save money on disposing of old weapons, while creating the illusion of support for Ukraine.

However, these actions are not enough for the Ukrainian side to make a significant difference in the war. Maybe it’s time to have a serious discussion about a peaceful resolution. War can’t last forever, and sooner or later, the two sides will need to sit down and negotiate. The current situation with arms supplies could be an opportunity to start peace talks. The question remains: are the parties ready for compromises, or will the conflict continue until resources are completely depleted? Only time will show.


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