2024年,特斯拉Model Y成为全球最畅销汽车。
The Tesla Model Y Was The World's Best-Selling Car In 2024

原始链接: https://www.zerohedge.com/technology/tesla-model-y-was-worlds-best-selling-car-2024

根据Statista数据,视觉资本家制作的图表对2024年最畅销的汽车进行了排名。虽然特斯拉Model Y目前领先,但由于销量放缓,其在2025年的主导地位受到威胁。丰田有两款车型紧随其后,构成了重大挑战。特斯拉正试图通过Model Y的“Juniper”改款来应对这一挑战,该改款采用了更新的设计,以与比亚迪等快速增长的竞争对手竞争。 比亚迪宋,一款紧凑型跨界车系列,在全球排名第九,并正在以比亚迪海豹U和海狮6等不同名称进军国际市场。海狮6甚至成为2024年澳大利亚最畅销的插电式混合动力汽车。比亚迪的股价今年迄今上涨了34%,与特斯拉股价下跌31%形成对比。尽管下跌,特斯拉仍然是全球最有价值的汽车制造商,尽管其估值已从2024年12月的峰值下降。


In this graphic, Visual Capitalist's Marcus Lu ranks the world’s best-selling cars from 2024 using data compiled by Statista

Will Tesla Retain the Crown in 2025?

With Tesla sales sputtering in the early days of 2025, it’s possible that the once untouchable EV maker could start to fall down the rankings.

We can see in this graphic that Toyota, the world’s biggest automaker by sales, has two models close behind the Model Y.

To stay competitive, Tesla recently revealed its long-awaited Model Y refresh codenamed ‘Juniper’. With a fresh exterior design and new interior, Juniper could also help Tesla stay on pace with China’s fast-growing BYD.

BYD’s Global Expansion

Coming in at #9 is the BYD Song, a series of compact crossover SUVs sold in gasoline, plug-in hybrid, and pure EV configurations.

The model is exported to European markets as the BYD Seal U, and in Southeast Asian and Oceania as the BYD Sealion 6.

While the bulk of BYD’s sales come from its home market, China, the brand is making impressive progress in other countries. In Australia, the Sealion 6 became the country’s top-selling plug-in hybrid (PHEV) in 2024.

As of March 5, 2025, BYD shares (ADR) are up 34% YTD, while Tesla shares have fallen by -31%. Despite the drop, Tesla remains the world’s most valuable automaker with a valuation of $898B, down from its December 2024 peak of $1.4T.

If you enjoyed this post, check out A Regional Breakdown of Automaker Sales on Voronoi, the new app from Visual Capitalist.


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